美国会计准则课程 会计准则中外比较 关注公众号
2023-03-15 来源:高顿咨询







下面就对企业会计准则第 20 号——企业合并,IFRS 3-Business Combinations,ASC 805 Business Combinations进行对比,首先就是对于同一控制下企业合并的处理。




同一控制下的企业合并, 在合并日取得对其他参与合并企业控制权的一方为合并方,参与合并的其他企业为被合并方。

合并方在企业合并中取得的资产和负债, 应当按照合并日在被合并方的账面价值计量。 合并方取得的净资产账面价值与支付的合并对价账面价值(或发行股份面值总额)的差额,应当调整资本公积;资本公积不足冲减的,调整留存收益。


a.This IFRS does not apply to a business combination of entities or businesses under common control. A business combination involving entities or businesses under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining entities or businesses are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination, and that control is not transitory. 本国际财务报告准则不适用于共同控制下的实体或企业的业务合并。 涉及同一控制下的实体或业务合并指,企业在合并前后均由同一方或多方同时控制,且该控制不是暂时性的。

b.A group of individuals shall be regarded as controlling an entity when, as a result of contractual arrangements, they collectively have the power to govern its financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Therefore, a business combination is outside the scope of this IFRS when the same group of individuals has, as a result of contractual arrangements, ultimate collective power to govern the financial and operating policies of each of the combining entities so as to obtain benefits from their activities, and that ultimate collective power is not transitory. 一组个人基于合约协议的结果,而拥有主导管理其财务和经营政策的权利,使自身从其活动中获益,应被视为控制该实体。 因此,如果这种控制不是暂时性的,该企业合并不在本IFRS的范围内。

c.An entity may be controlled by an individual or by a group of individuals acting together under a contractual arrangement, and that individual or group of individuals may not be subject to the financial reporting requirements of IFRSs.

Therefore, it is not necessary for combining entities to be included as part of the same consolidated financial statements for a business combination to be regarded as one involving entities under common control.



d.The extent of non-controlling interests in each of the combining entities before and after the business combination is not relevant to determining whether the combination involves entities under common control. Similarly, the fact that one of the combining entities is a subsidiary that has been excluded from the consolidated financial statements is not relevant to determining whether a combination involves entities under common control.

业务合并前后,每一个参与合并的实体的非控股权益的多少与确定合并是否涉及共同控制下的实体无关。 同样,如果某一个合并实体是已被从合并财务报表中排除的子公司,该事实与确定是否涉及共同控制下的合并无关。


VIE:Variable Interest Entity可变利益实体,协议控制

If the primary beneficiary of a VIE and the VIE itself are under common control, the primary beneficiary (parent)initially measures the assets, liabilities, and noncontrolling interests of the newly consolidated reporting entity at their carrying amounts in the accounting records of the entity that controls the VIE. (ASC 810-10-30-1)

如果VIE的主要受益人和VIE本身受到同一控制,则主要受益人(母公司)最初将新合并报告主体的资产,负债和非控制权益按其账面价值记入控制VIE的实体的会计记录中。Measurement exception for enterprises under common control: Carrying value (net book value or NBV) in the accounting records of the enterprise that controls the VIE with no “step-up”


Combined Financial Statements

While the presentation of consolidated financial statements is required under GAAP, there is no parallel requirement to present combined financial statements for entities under common control (brother/sister entities). However, in certain cases, it is desirable that combined financial statements be prepared for such entities. This process is very similar to an accounting consolidation using pooling accounting, except that the equity accounts for the combining entities are carried forward intact.

The financial statements of a combined group of commonly controlled entities or commonly managed entities are presented as those of a single economic entity. The combined group does not include the parent.

尽管按照美国公认会计准则提出合并财务报表是合理的,但并不要求为同一控制实体(兄弟/姐妹实体)提供合并财务报表。 但是,在某些情况下,最好为这些实体编制合并财务报表。 该流程与使用权益结合法的会计合并非常相似,不同之处在于合并实体的权益账户是完整结转的。





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